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When upgrading to the next version of Windows, the system checks if in that respect any update unfinished. If you are getting error 0xC1900107, it is caused due to previous installation attempt is still pending, and a arrangement restart is required to continue the upgrade. Here is what you need to do to fix the issue on your Windows 10 computer.

Reparation Error 0xc1900107 in Windows 11/10

This can personify resolved in three slipway. The initial is to simply restart your Microcomputer and see if the previous update completes. Second, when the first doesn't work, you need to clean up temporary files and the System files. Lastly, you can run the Windows Update Troubleshooter if nothing works.

1] Complete Previous Pending Update

Udpate Restart wont go away

The simplest way to find out is to check if the power buttons have been replaced by 'Update and Resume' or 'Update and Closedown'. This clearly shows that there is an update pending. Then simply resume your PC, and it should complete the update. In case you get into't see any alteration in the status of power buttons, and have habitual thither is no pending update (Settings > Update and Security > Windows Update), here is how to fix this Shutdown/Restart non functional or North Korean won't spell away.

2] Free up Space on your Winchester drive

Storage Sense

There are deuce ways of doing this. Run the classic Disk Clean Up secondary or use the Windows 10 intrinsic scheme 'Warehousing Common sense'to perform this carry out. Both of these utilities testament remove the temporary files and the System files from the system.

You will be able to clear out Temporary files, downloads folder, empty Recycle Bin, and early version of Windows. Make sure to double-check each of these places, so you assume't lose whatsoever important files accidentally. We all have a terrible habit to donjon things in the Download folder.

3] Rivulet Windows Update Trouble shooter

Windows 10 update and shutdown won't go away

Windows 11/10 offers an in-built auto-repair service that dismiss help any drug user fix small errors on their Windows PC. The Windows Update Troubleshooter is unrivaled of them which can localisation issues like these when everything fails. Dependant on your Oculus sinister, do the following>

  • Give Windows 11 Settings > System > Troubleshoot. Pawl on Windows Update, and 'Hunt down the troubleshooter'
  • Open Windows 10 Settings > Update and Security > Troubleshoot. Cluck on Windows Update, and 'Lean the trouble shooter'

The process may take over single proceedings to complete the process, so make trusted to sacrifice it just about time. Once it finds the write out, it will restart the Personal computer after giving you a clear message on the issue.

4] Other things you could try

If the above suggestions do not help you, you could try the following:

  • Fix Windows Update Errors using Microsoft's online troubleshooter
  • Temporarily disable third-party security system software
  • Unplug extra Beaver State additive hardware.

Let us know if this manoeuvre helped you solve the issue.

Configure Storage Sense in Windows 10 v1703 Creators Update


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-yr Microsoft MVP (2006-16) &ere; a Windows Insider Most valuable player. Please read the entire Emily Price Post & the comments first, create a System of rules Regenerate Spot before devising any changes to your scheme & be careful about any 3rd-party offers piece instalmen freeware.

How to fix Error 0xc1900107 in Windows 11/10
